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Showing posts from April, 2020

Illustrated Talks Available on Online Platforms

Since all my mountain service engagements for the year 2020 has been either cancelled or postponed due to the Covid-19 crisis, I am offering some of my talks online in an effort to survive as an independent adventurist. This means the talks are not free. Upon mutual agreement of terms and conditions the talks can be delivered on an online platform.  My name is Anindya Mukherjee. I am an ever curious, restless traveler, mountaineer, explorer, adventurer, adventure travel writer and a TedX speaker .   Over the past few years I have been invited to speak about my adventures and explorations across the Indian Himalaya and outside by many prestigious institutons in venues across the world.  Some of them are:  Mountaineering Ireland, The Himalayan Club, University of Michigan, Jadavpur University, Presidency University, The University of Calcutta, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Netaji Res...